Trayecto/ Perspectiva. Render Vista 1 from Alejandro Fournier on Vimeo.
Trayecto/ Perspectiva
Finalista del concurso Internacional para Torre Cube II de Carme Pinós
Alejandro Fournier
Path /
Alejandro Fournier
Guadalajara, Mexico
The sculpture proposed for the Cube II Tower
by Carme Pinós is based on the graphic rep‐
resentation of the perspective, the tridimen‐
sional space, and the alliance of the descrip‐
tive geometry in the architectural language.
Behind the physical representation of a per‐
spective, I am attracted by the idea of the re‐
flection on the elasticity, the movement, and
the transformation in which one form can
become another form.
The proposal is related with the design and
the architectural forms of the building; the
color lines compose geometric shapes,
where the cube serves as the base of the per‐
spective, creating triangles. The already
known shapes used in monumental art such
as pyramids, cubes, obelisks, etc. are revis‐
ited and inscribed in “Path / Perspective”.
El Informador 09.03.2012
Milenio 09.03.2012
Nota en el Periódico Mural 09.03.2012:
Trayecto/ Perspectiva
Maqueta en sombras
Alejandro Fournier